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Happy Foundations- Smile

Simply Smiling Can Actually Reduce Stress

What We Do

Playful Senior Woman

Promoting Smiling

We actively promote the act of smiling as a catalyst for positive change. We encourage everyone to smile more often, recognizing the incredible impact it has on our own well-being as well as those around us. Through awareness campaigns, social media engagement, and community events, we foster a culture that celebrates the power of smiles.

Loving Couple

Spreading Joy

​We organize events and programs that bring smiles to people's faces. From surprise acts of kindness to community celebrations, we strive to create moments of joy and laughter that remind us of the beauty in everyday life. Our aim is to inspire others to find happiness in the simplest of things and to spread that happiness to others.

Fun Fact!

When our smiling muscles contract, they fire a signal back to the brain, stimulating our reward system, and further increasing our level of happy hormones, or endorphins. In short, when our brain feels happy, we smile; when we smile, our brain feels happier.


Fake it till you make it! Yes, if you want to be happy, just smile. Thanks to the positive feedback loop of smiling, we can alter our brain's emotional processing pathway to feel happier with a simple smile.

Stonewall Celebration

Supporting Well-being

​We recognize that genuine smiles come from a place of inner contentment and well-being. Through collaborations with experts in psychology, mindfulness, and personal development, we provide resources and guidance to help individuals cultivate happiness in their lives. Our workshops, seminars, and online resources are designed to empower individuals with the tools they need to lead fulfilling and joyful lives.


Shop with smile, wear happiness!

All the profit goes toward the charity

Smile T-Shirt​



Smile Mug



Smile Hoodie



Smile School Bag


10 OMR

Smile Cap



Smile Handbag



How Does It Work?

Smile Challenges: Participate in our Smile Challenges, where you set personal goals for spreading smiles and performing acts of kindness. These small actions create a big impact.


Community Events: Join our engaging events to connect with others, share stories, and create lasting memories. These gatherings foster joy and a sense of belonging.


Social Media Engagement: Connect with us on social media for heartwarming stories, motivational content, and practical tips. Engage, share, and contribute to the virtual wave of positivity.


Education and Resources: Explore our comprehensive collection of resources on well-being and happiness. Access articles, videos, and downloadable materials for practical strategies and expert insights.


Volunteer Opportunities: Join our volunteer team to actively contribute to our mission. Organize events, spread awareness, and make a difference in your community.


Collaborations and Partnerships: We welcome collaborations with like-minded organizations, businesses, and individuals. Together, we can create a brighter world.

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